
Name :: Sinklaire Willhazen
Nick Name :: Sin / Kira
Star Signs :: Aries / Dragon
Likes :: Anime/Manga/Fantasy/
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+ MarYcHeLLe+ TwiLa+ FritZie+ BiNg+
+ Cess+ Aji+ BarBie<+
+ TiN2x+ aLy+ Kuya Rex+ ClArRise+

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Monster Game

Name meanings:
Kinky, Irresistible, Relaxed, Arty, Luscious, Amorous, Industrious, Rare, Elitist
Juicy, Excellent, Neat, Inspirational

What Does Your Name Mean?
Do you want to know what your tarot card is?

Positive: The Hierophant represents the Holy Spirit and connection with Life at a spiritual level. The Hierophant finds comfort and worth with the spiritual side of life rather then the physical. He represents someone who is spiritual or philosophical in nature and one in search of higher truths. The Hierophant also represents tradition in that he finds comfort and value in the new by relating it to the old tried and true ways of life. He feels that connecting with the Creator is the most effective form of action and advises prayer above other means of communication. The Hierophant depicts someone who is able to see through the superficial and get straight to the heart of the matter. The Hierophant is spiritual by nature and he shies away from religious dogma.
Negative: When reversed this card represents superficiality and a lack of moral or spiritual truths. A militaristic or dogmatic attitude, and a reliance on religious law rather then spiritual truths. A person who is rough, rigid, and only sees one path as being the only correct answer.


Trinity Blood © Thores Shibamoto
Site is owned by Sinklaire.
Modified by Me
Layout © Kassie of Dx3.

I got my new mobile phone!
Monday, August 14, 2006

ok this morning i woke up early and what i did first was to use the computer LOL! i don't know but i feel like playing something.. anyway at 8am i think my father come in holding a red plastic with a box in it... he gave it to me then i ask what it is.. there i saw a k610i sony it was for me yay!! new phone it has cool features although i don't have any headset(its not included in the box~_~) anyway i still miss my other phone T_T

posted by Sinklaire @ 8/14/2006 06:22:00 PM
0 methuselah(s)

Worst Day EVER!!!
Monday, August 07, 2006

[mood disappointed]
[music Requiem~Inori ]

today i had a bad experience... my bag was snatched with my cellphone!!, notebook and rizal book on it... and some new bought pencil and other materials I need for my drawing class... waaaaaah!! and i cried for all of it!T_T but after 30 mins i think i start laughing again.. 'coz i realize that there's nothing i can do about it..

i told my parents about it.. and i didn't thought that my father would be the one who will be more worried about it.. LOL! he's the only one who went to school for me to have another school ID of course i have to have a Affidavit arghh!!! took everything but not my cellphone and school ID!!!!!!! *cries*

anyway i don't like to tell the story right now... 'coz i'm have my Rizal exams tomorrow!! waaaaaaahh!!!

posted by Sinklaire @ 8/07/2006 08:44:00 PM
1 methuselah(s)