National Cosplay
Sunday, July 30, 2006
mood |

music |Simple and Clean]
yes! I'm there uhm i think it's my 2nd or 3rd time to come to a cosplay even!! wohoo!XD anyway i went there at pass 8 i think.. we weren't included at the first 50 but its ok with us anyway... i was with Nicole, when we arrived there Michelle, Sakura and Florissa are there already and are included at the first 50.. ok so there we are waiting outside for about one and a half *screams* anyway at 10am and ... minutes.. we were finally got to go inside.. well the place.. nothing usual i already know the place since it is where we held our graduation ball which reminds me that our ball stinks! ahaha anyway nothing much happened as usual there are cosplayers everywhere.. dressing-up and doing some finishing touch at their costume.. we where sitting at the left side near infront of the stage... before 2pm i think, the cosplayers are already ramping at the stage there i saw one guy cosplaying as ABEL Nightroad!<3 *giggle* i love Abel so much so i really like the cosplayer.. and his scythe!!! anyway i really enjoy the event although i didn't have any items from the even except the chobits sticker i bought for us to have a copy of what Chii looks like for us to draw her at the group art.. hehehe
oh yeah i remember my friend told me that my ticket number was called but unfortunately i was at the powder room so i didn't hear it.. yeah it's sad 'coz i didn't have a chance to get that free items which is i don't know what items that is.. anyway its ok with me.. at least i was able to come to an event again for long months...LOL! oh and i saw pinay there she's one of the staffs that's very cool of her..for i wish to be one of the Otaku staff too *sob*
that's all i think.. at least i have lots of fun.. uhhh 3/4 of fun i think LOL! ok that's it for now..
posted by Sinklaire @ 7/30/2006 06:39:00 PM

2nd year life
Sunday, July 16, 2006
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music | Kresnik]
ok i have a new classmates this term.. and yeah new professors too...
so there i met our rizal professor, and because of her classroom rules my friends wants to change section. I was against it since we will be encountering more professors like her, but i ended up joining them. We went to the registrar to ask if we could change but they told us that it's impossible since some enrolling rules where changed.
Ok we then have to attend her class.. no choice! but then i realize that she's as bad as we thought.. well the only problem is that when we will be having our recitation.. the horror starts LOL!
anyway i got some other problems but then it's fine now..
oh yeah as you can notice my layout is new.. i modified it.. well with the help of my friend Angeli because i'm having some problems with the codes of the one who made the layout..
posted by Sinklaire @ 7/16/2006 03:14:00 PM

yay! a Half Scholar on the run!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
mood |

music | Martyr Nyebera by Kamikazee]
I'm so happy today! and yet so tired...
i went to school for the enrolment and well i was too early so i'm alone at the lobby.. anyway i manage to buy myself a load for me to contact my friends..
so anyway i manage to enrol at a short period of time and the one that wasted my time most is when the distribution of cards.. so yeah i waited for 2 hours for me to see my final grade..yet the one who is distributing the card keeps on telling us(me and my classmate) to go to the customer service since one of subject's grade was late to be submitted.. so yeah we went back and forth just to ask them if we can get the card(as i said i waited for 2 hours) and we got irritated so we asked told the one distributing the cards that the lady from the customer service told us that the card is already brought here.. and she looked for the new arrived cards that she didn't even bother to look (now i know how stupid she is..)
well to continue i when i got the card my final grade increases at the computer i saw that my grade is only 1.93 but when i look at it.. it was already 1.73!!(which means i'm half scholar yay for me!!) so we went back to the room where we will be printing the GSM and asked about our scholarship (3 of us got a scholarship=P) and well we manage to fix our problem..ehehe
so i went home as early as 4pm eheheand told my father about it...
well you know what.. the reaction of Father is completely weird...~_~
he keeps on praising me.. and even told my younger brother who just came home an hour after.. anyway my mom called and asked me about the payment because i told her that i payed Full and not instalment LOLXD(i'm a half scholar so i my tuition would be half too=P)
anyway that's it igtg since my brother keeps on bothering me that he wants to use the computer "NOW" arghh!! jaa!XD
posted by Sinklaire @ 7/06/2006 06:45:00 PM