"Chinese" New Year
Sunday, January 29, 2006
i read this from someone's message..
she said that we should say "Lunar" instead of "Chinese" New Year 'cos it's not just a Chinese New Year... well i think i believe that..^-^''
oh! which reminds me... today is the start of the New Year of the Chinese...
well my friends want me to give them some "tikoy" but sorry i can't hahaha...
hmm.. very short post.. but i have to go now.. have to do some experiments nyahaha.. its for my physics lab. class... and i'm a little depressed for being the group leader...
posted by Sinklaire @ 1/29/2006 04:31:00 PM

Random I
Friday, January 27, 2006
Taken from Angeli
Time started:
8:15 PM.
Jen, sei, kira
Single or Taken:
Single forever!!
April 18, 1988
Eye color:
Shoe size:
5"3 or 5"4 i think..
What are you wearing now:
dark orange shirt and red shorts..
Where do you live:
Manila, Philippines
Righty or lefty:
depends on what our maid cook..
Favorite cartoon character:
road runner..
Given anyone a bath:
my cousin..
Have you ever smoked:
Bungee Jumped:
Made yourself throw-up:
Gone skinny dipping:
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom:
Eaten a dog biscuit:
who would want to?!?!
Got your tongue stuck to a pole:
Loved someone so much it made you cry?
Played truth or dare:
when i was in elementary
Been in a physical fight:
sometimes with my brother
Been in a police car:
Been in a sauna:
Been in a hot tub:
cold tub nyahaha
Swam in the ocean:
Yes (and i don't want to remember those days.)
Got stung by a jellyfish:
Fallen asleep in school:
when i'm sleepy
Ran away:
Broken someone's heart?:
i really don't know...
Cried when someone you love died:
all my love ones are alive!!
Flashed someone:
Cried in school:
hahaha can't remember, but i think when i was in pre-school
Fell off your chair:
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call:
no.. i hate waiting..
Saved MSN / YAHOO / AOL / AIM conversations:
Saved e-mails:
Fallen for your best friend:
my bestfriend is a girl! duh?!
Been cheated on?
First thing that comes to mind
my bag
world map
light brown
Your good luck charm:
don't have..
Whats your room like:
big room full of books(encyclopedia/magazines/artbooks/manga)
What is beside you:
a tissue..(i have a flu)
Something that has happened to you this year:
nothing special...
Had Chicken pox:
Had a Sore Throat:
Believe in love at first sight:
Like picnics:
Like school:
What schools:
St. Dennis Playhouse (nursery), St. Paul College Parañaque (GS-HS)
Would you...
Eat a live hamster:
no way!
Go to a Hanson concert:
if i have some money...
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion bucks:
no.. if i'll be the one to be killed then it's good!
If you were stuck on an island, what people/person would you want with you?
no one...
Who Was the last person...
You yelled at:
no one..
Who told you they loved you:
Who is your loudest friend:
ME!!! i'm the one!!
Do you/Are You...
Do you like filling these out:
Do you wear contacts or glasses:
Do you like yourself:
Do you get along with your family:
Do you do drugs:
Have piercing below the waist?
Final questions
How many people are you sending this to:
i'm just posting this..
What are you listening to right now:
Ever After
Can you do a front or back flip:
What did you do today:
waste my time at school..
go to sm manila
go home
watch tv
surf the net
post at my blog
then go to sleep again...
What is your favorite band:
Parokya ni Edgar, Hale, E.Heads, 6 cycle mind, Rivermaya, L`arc~en~ciel, The Calling, Savage Garden, Linkin Park, Side A, many more...
Hated someone in your family:
no one..
Got any awards:
Have you ever gone streaking?
Want to get married:
What is your favorite video game:
Final Fantasy 7 & 8
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change:
my ears..
Have a lava lamp:
How many remote controls are in your house:
around 5... i think
Are you double jointed:
What do you dream about:
it's a secret...
Last time you showered:
a while ago...
The last movie you saw at the theatres:
Harry Potter: goblet of fire
Scary or happy movies:
both.. nyahaha sometimes scary movies are the ones that makes me laugh...
Root beer or Dr. Pepper:
Silver or Gold:
both... but silver is my fav. color
Sunset or Sunrise:
Phone or in person:
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child:
Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back:
posted by Sinklaire @ 1/27/2006 08:09:00 PM

Incredible huh?!?
Thursday, January 19, 2006
oh my! i didn't know that we have a quiz today in our Psychology class... i was very lazy not to study..(well i totally forgot about the day that we'll be having a quiz)
so when i entered the class my classmate told me that we'll be having an exam so i was shock yet i just look at the pages of the book trying to remember what our professor discuss about for the passed 2 weeks... later she told us to right down the teminologies, I was a bit nervous thinking that she might ask us to write the definitions that we've written down.. so after writing i din't ever bother to read the meanings of the words that i've written... anyway the quiz started and the first part was true or false... second was the identification.. OH NO!!!
well anyway during the quiz i was just calm.. solving every questions.. then after that we exchanged paper with our seatmate then checked the papers... HAHAHAHA I PASSED!!! i was happy although i should have got a higher score if i study last night..
***tell you something... last night, all i have been doing was just read a manga translation bwahahahaha!! i even slept at 11pm just to finish reading it!! hahahaha anyway i shouldn't forget about our quiz on tuesday! it's physics hahaha hope that i'll be having a good grade if i study...heheh
posted by Sinklaire @ 1/19/2006 02:45:00 PM

The Terror!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
this day is no fun! i think it's because I have... waaaaahh!!!
ok! now, were to start... oh yeah! i went to school as usual i can't find any fx taxi so instead of waiting i just went to the LRT station! ITS ALREADY 7am when i got there... then at 7:20am i started walking for me to get to school.. i thought i'm already late but it's not me whose tardy, it's our professor...
our first class is Humanities-Introduction to Philosophy our professor is one of the terror teachers there.. and i'm a little irritated at her rules in for the class!
1. Answer in complete sentence
2. Don't do stupid things
what the heck?!?
anyway i kind of like how she teaches us..
ok now is my 2nd class... i was bored so i'm half day dreaming and half listening to the lesson but the good thing is i still understand the lesson...^_^
3rd class my physics lecture.. nothing good or bad happen.. it's just that it was too cold in our class... I'M FREEZING!! and to think of it i'm already wearing my jacket!
4th class is our physics laboratory... this is a 4 and a half hour session and it is a long period for us.. but in what happened or in what we did awhile ago we didn't even notice that it was already quarter to 5pm!!
ok this is what happened! we were group and our professor told us to assign a leader for the group and while i'm having fun talking to my classmate... waaahh!! they decided to pick the one whose going to be the leader between me and jeremy we settled this through paper,rock,scissor... but sad to say i lose.. i have no choice so i'll be the leader of the group.. now we started to do something like balancing the weight of each metal..i don't know what instument is that but it was fun using that hehehe... anyway after that we solve some problems and ask our professor if its ok.. but it is not!! waaaahhh and everytime we fix it, it is always wrong so until 4:45 we're still solving that then at last! i found the right answer.. hmmm so then i let mour prof. signed it and we went home...
i think i learned one thing... our prof in physics lab is a TERROR!
posted by Sinklaire @ 1/17/2006 06:38:00 PM

just bored
Monday, January 16, 2006
Another year has ended, now it's 2006 year of the Dog... well I don't really like my new year's eve 'coz I've done at exactly 12:00am was to sleep hahaha my friends told me that I'll be sleeping for the whole year... but look at me I am awake... although I always want to sleep every time I got home... but I think its natural 'coz I'm tired after school
Anyway I don't have anything to say about the passed few weeks or should I say "a month" that I've been to lazy and always not in a mood (tinatamad) to post/update this blog of mine...
Oh! I'll be having a new blog layout soon!! Although I'm not sure when that "soon" will be... I already decided a new layout but since it's not yet thoroughly fix yet I might as well wait for my friend to fix it for me...
Oh ayan na ha! nagpost na ko jeddy kaso la talaga ako masabi... teka nga...About the studies/school I think I'm a loner now... 'coz 3 of my close friends had been separated from me... though we have the same schedule, we're just not attending the same class hehehe but at least I know one classmate of mine that have the same schedule as mine... hahaha!!
To my bes!
Sorry hinde ako pwde kahapon lumabas... hindi kasi ako papayagan tsaka meron din akong homework... freehand na nga kami eh... medyo ok lang.. pero parang perfectionist si sir! Ayaw nya ng impressionism na drawing hahaha pero buti na lang very good lagi ang comment nya sa gawa ko ewan ko ba... kahit may mali very good parin... haayy... BIG NEWS!!!
IAD (Interior Architectural Design) will be now BS Interior Design!
What the heck! We asked our professor about it and he explained to us that we can't take the board exam if we graduated in that course (IAD)... well it can't be help!
posted by Sinklaire @ 1/16/2006 05:01:00 PM