just like a
Saturday, December 24, 2005
days passed so fast... i can't even feel that Christmas is tomorrow.. i mean its only just 5 hours less before Christmas..
well can't blame me for being busy and tired for the past days.. it is was only november then you wouldn't know that it's already december..^-^''
well anyway.. all about the days that i haven't update my blog i'll just make it short.. first 3 days of december well i was doing my plates for our graphics class.. i was too busy drawing all the plates there.. that i don't even have time to eat.. hehe anyway i son't have classes last december 4, we dont have nstp coz it was our last meeting on the last week of november... so i have more time to finish my plates (drawings)..
ok.. this is it! monday! december 5 was our submission of our plates.. many of my classmates haven't finish.. but since i'm done with mine i just roam around our class and even went outside the room and go down to the third floor.. my 2 classmates were there finishing there plates.. they don't like to go upstairs coz its so tiring... that's what they say.. then i helped them in some of their plates.. i got hungry after an hour so i went to the canteen and buy some food.. i ate 8 pcs. of sharlks fin..(im so hungry that day) i also bought some donuts, and gave some to my friends.. anyway after that they've finished their plate and we went home..
the second week was so boring... well i'm so bored because all we did was take those test and quizzes.. well the results are good.. ^-^
december 8 was our last day.. so i have 1 week to relax because last december 15 was our finals in our filipino class... well it was easy yet my time was wasted coz i only came to school just to take a filipino finals.. anyway me and my classmates went to Sm Manila then we just ate and bought some gift but not me.. one of my friend was the only one who bought... then after that we went home..
ok this is the day i hate most... last december 17 was was said to be the release of our grades we will see it online... so i got up early just to see that my grades aren't finished to encode..grrr!! so i went out with my mother instead and went shopping... that night i checked it again and saw these half satisfied and not..
these are the grades (note: the highest is 1 and the lowest is 5 which is failed, and 3 is the passing)..
AR - 1.00
nstp - 2.75
Pe - 1.75
Fil - 1.75
Eng - 2.25
and my weighted average is 1.67... good but i'm not satisfied because of my nstp..
anyway my classmate told me that i'm half scholar.. i don't believe it at first but it is true.. hmmm.. -_-''
december 21.. i went to school together with my two classmates.. this day wasn't really the scheduled date for us freshmen to enrol but since its ok.. we move on.. we enrolled then after that went home..
december 23 was my friend's 18th birthday.. i went there.. having a slight fun and bored... anyway it was fun to see her happy on her debut!!XD
days really pass so fast.. i really can't feel the spirit of christmas this year.. is it because i'm alone and always busy?? well if that really is.. i'll just ignore it and celebrate christmas even if i don't fell like celebrating..
well MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL...! hope that your crhistmas is not like mine...
posted by Sinklaire @ 12/24/2005 07:13:00 PM